Basic syntax
Try it yourself
We have seen how simple proofs work, you write down the premise, deduce more formulas using some rules, until arrive at the conclusion.
Write the proof for the following question to make sure you have got the hang of it!
Exercise 1
Prove that the sequent p, p -> q, p -> (q -> r) ⊢ r is valid.
To prove this we need to use implication elimination
p [premise]
p -> q [premise]
p -> (q -> r) [premise]
q [->E(1,2)]
Complete the proof yourself!
p [premise]
p -> q [premise]
p -> (q -> r) [premise]
q [->E(1,2)]
q -> r [->E(1,3)]
r [->(4,5)]
To prove more complex assertions, we have to use boxes
to make assumptions. For example, to use implication introduction
to prove p -> q
, you have to assume p and deduce q in that box.
In ndp
files, we create boxes by indents, as an example:
p [premise]
-- indent size must be 2!
-- Did I mention that we can write comments?
p [ass] -- ass stands for assumption
p [tick(2)]
p -> p [->I(2,3)]
A slightly harder example:
Example 1
Prove that (p ^ q) -> r ⊢ p -> (q -> r)
(p ^ q) -> r [premise]
p [ass]
q [ass]
p ^ q [^I(2,3)]
r [->E(1,4)]
q -> r [->I(3,5)]
p -> (q -> r) [->I(2,6)]
I'm sure you know how it works now, why not prove that the opposite is true as well? That is:
Exercise 2
Prove that p -> (q -> r) ⊢ (p ^ q) -> r
p [premise]
p -> q [premise]
p -> (q -> r) [premise]
q [->E(1,2)]
q -> r [->E(1,3)]
r [->(4,5)]
What next?
Believe it or not, that's basically all you have to know to prove propositional and first order logic!
I'm sure you are on a hurry, but if you have time (or you encountered some problems), read the following:
- ndpc has a few syntax particularities, please about them here before opening an issue.
- Get a peek at what rules does ndpc support here. Check this if ndpc thinks your proof is not valid 😃
- Leverage other shiny capabilities of ndpc, such as formatting and generating pretty html.