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Rule specifications

Introduction rules

^I (And Introduction)

From x, y deduce x ^ y

1   x           [...]
2   y           [...]
3   x ^ y       [^I(1,2)]

->I (Implication Introduction)

From "assuming x deduces y", deduce x -> y

1     x           [ass]
      <hard struggle>
2     y           [...]
3   x -> y        [->I(1,2)]

/I (Or Introduction)

From x deduce x / ? or ? / x

1   x
2   x / y         [/I(1)]

~I (Not Introduction)

From "assuming original deduces bottom" deduce its negation

1     x           [ass]
      <hard struggle>
2     F           [...]
3   ~x            [~I(1,2)]

~~I (Double Negation Introduction)

From x deduce ~~x

1   x             [...]
2   ~(~(x))           [~~I(1)]

FI (Falsity Introduction)

From x and ~x deduce F

1   x             [...]
2   ~x            [...]
3   F             [FI(1,2)]

TI (Truth Introduction)

From nothing deduces T (but why would you do that 😏)

1   T             [TI]

<->I (Equivalence Introduction)

From x -> y and y -> x deduce x <-> y

1   x -> y        [...]
2   y -> x        [...]
3   x <-> y       [<->I(1,2)]

existsI (Exists Introduction)

From 𝝓(x) deduce ∃a 𝝓(a)

1   𝝓(x)                [...]
2   exists x. (𝝓(x))    [existsI(1)]

forallI (Forall Introduction)

From "c deduces f(c)" deduce ∀x f(x)

1     c                 [forall I const]
      <hard struggle>
2     f(c)              [...]
3   forall x. (f(x))    [forallI(1,2)]


^E (And Elimination)

From x ^ y deduce x (or y)

1   x ^ y       [...]
2   x           [^E(1)]

->E (Emplication Elimination)

From x -> y and x deduce y

1   x           [...]
2   x -> y      [...]
3   y           [->E(1,2)]

/E (Or Elimination)

From x1 / x2, "assuming x1 deduces y", "assuming x2 deduces y", deduce y

1   x1 / x2         [...]
2     x1            [ass]
      <hard struggle>
3     y             [...]
4     x2            [ass]
      <hard struggle>
5     y             [...]
6   y               [/E(1,2,3,4,5)]

~E (Not Elimination)

From x and ~x deduces F (same as FI)

1   x             [...]
2   ~x            [...]
3   F             [~E(1,2)]

~~E (Double Negation Elimination)

From ~~x deduce x

1   ~~x         [...]
2   x           [~~E(1)]

FE (Falsity Elimination)

From F deduce anything

1   F           [...]
2   anything    [FE(1)]

<->E (Equivalence Elimination)

From x <-> y and either side, deduce the other side

1   x <-> y     [...]
2   y           [...]
3   x           [<->E(1,2)]

existsE (Exists Elimination)

From ∃a 𝝓(a) and "𝝓(c) for some c deduces x", deduce x

1   exists a. (𝝓(a))    [...]
2     𝝓(c)              [ass]
      <hard struggle>
3     x                 [...]
4   x                   [existsE(1,2,3)]

forallE (Forall Elimination)

From ∀x f(x) deduce f[x/c]

1   forall x. (f(x))    [...]
2   f(c)                [forallE(1)]

forall->E (Forall Implication Elimination)

From ∀x f(x) -> g(x) and f(c), deduces g(c)

1   forall x. (f(x) -> g(x))    [...]
2   f(c)                        [...]
3   g(c)                        [forall->E(1,2)]


LEM (Law of Excluded Middle)

From nothing deduce p / ~p

1   x / ~x      [LEM]

MT (Modus Tollens)

From x -> y and ~y, deduce ~x

1   x -> y      [...]
2   ~y          [...]
3   ~x          [MT(1,2)]

PC (Proof by Contradiction)

From "assuming x deduces F", deduce ~x

1     x         [...]
      <hard struggle>
2     F         [...]
3   ~x          [PC(1,2)]

refl (rule of Reflection)

From nothing deduce x = x

1   x = x   [refl]

=sub (Equality Substitution)

From a = b and f(a), deduce f(b)

1   a = b       [...]
2   f(a)        [...]
3   f(b)        [=sub(2,1)]

sym (rule of Symmetry)

From a = b deduce b = a

1   a = b   [...]
2   b = a   [sym(1)]

forall I const

Introduces a new free variable

1   c       [forall I const]

given (Given)

Given proposition

1   x       [given]

premise (Premise)

Given proposition

1   x       [premise]

ass (Assumption)

Assume proposition / formula

1   x           [...]
2     x -> y    [ass]
3     result    [...]
4   conclusion  [...]

tick (Tick)

From x deduce x (syntactic flag), see syntax gotcha for more details

1   x           [...]
2     y         [...]
3     result1   [...]
4     result1   [tick(3)]   # Must tick here to signify ending of block
5     z         [...]
6     result2   [...]
7   conclusion  [...]