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ndpc format proof.ndp

The formatter is an uncompromising formatter, meaning that it will not respect what you wrote, it will only format it in the way that it sees fit.

Example output:

forall x. ((forall y. (child(y, x) -> fly(y))) ^ dragon(x) -> happy(x))        [premise]
forall x. (green(x) ^ dragon(x) -> fly(x))                                     [premise]
forall x. ((exists y. (parent(y, x) ^ green(y))) -> green(x))                  [premise]
forall z. (forall x. (child(x, z) ^ dragon(z) -> dragon(x)))                   [premise]
forall x. (forall y. (child(y, x) -> parent(x, y)))                            [premise]
  c                                                                            [forall I const]
    dragon(c)                                                                  [ass]
      green(c)                                                                 [ass]
        d                                                                      [forall I const]
          child(d, c)                                                          [ass]
          forall y. (child(y, c) -> parent(c, y))                              [forallE(5)]
          parent(c, d)                                                         [forall->E(10, 11)]
          parent(c, d) ^ green(c)                                              [^I(12, 8)]
          exists y. (parent(y, d) ^ green(y))                                  [existsI(13)]
          green(d)                                                             [forall->E(14, 3)]
          child(d, c) ^ dragon(c)                                              [^I(10, 7)]
          forall x. (child(x, c) ^ dragon(c) -> dragon(x))                     [forallE(4)]
          dragon(d)                                                            [forall->E(16, 17)]
          green(d) ^ dragon(d)                                                 [^I(15, 18)]
          fly(d)                                                               [forall->E(19, 2)]
        child(d, c) -> fly(d)                                                  [->I(10, 20)]
      forall y. (child(y, c) -> fly(y))                                        [forallI(9, 21)]
      (forall y. (child(y, c) -> fly(y))) ^ dragon(c)                          [^I(22, 7)]
      happy(c)                                                                 [forall->E(23, 1)]
    green(c) -> happy(c)                                                       [->I(8, 24)]
  dragon(c) -> (green(c) -> happy(c))                                          [->I(7, 25)]
forall x. (dragon(x) -> (green(x) -> happy(x)))                                [forallI(6, 26)]

Compiling to HTML


ndpc proof.ndp

This will generate proof.html. You can do whatever you want with it 😃

You can style it however you want by passing --css [FILE]. Read the generated HTML to see how is it done.

Example output

(you may have to reload if you see a 404)