Writing context sensitive parsers with parsley
This article goes through how I built a context sensitive parser for a toy example.
Parsley allows for a state to be referenced and set during parsing, much like the State
monad in Haskell.
import parsley.state.{RefMaker, Ref}
case class State(x: Int)
val p = State(0).makeRef { (state: Ref[State]) =>
// we can "interact" with the state in this clause
// and we should return a parser
// given a parser, we can use flatMap/>>= to make it have some "effects"
// str is foo, the result of the parser
string("foo").flatMap { (str: String) =>
state.update { (s: State) =>
// we get to access the state directly in this clause
State(s.x + 1)
This is very intuitive, but not so efficient because of parsley's internal compiler cannot optimize monadic parsers. The alternative, applicative parsers are a bit awkward syntactically, but are not drastically different. Let's work through a parser as an example.
An example
So we are going to parse input structured like so:
baz(1, 2)
Each line has a statement (many(letter)
for brevity) and optionally some references to a previous line number. This is obviously context sensitive, not only do we reference previously parsed content, we also use indents to identify scopes.
The types
Let's take a look at what we are going to parse it into:
sealed trait Pf
case class Stmt(body: String, ref: List[String]) extends Pf
case class Scope(var body: List[Pf]) extends Pf
We then identify the State for our parser:
- current indent level
- parse result of all previous lines
Since the parser feels very imperative mentally I just added a scope stack to the State, but I'm sure there are ways to make it more pure.
The resulting State is defined as follows:
case class State(
var level: Int,
lines: List[String],
var scope: List[Scope]
And since it feels very imperative anyway we won't bother copying everything 😛
Let's get stuff rolling:
import parsley.Parsley
import parsley.Parsley.{many, atomic, pure}
import parsley.character.{char, item, stringOfMany, letter, digit}
import parsley.combinator.sepBy
import parsley.state.{RefMaker, Ref, StateCombinators}
import parsley.syntax.character.{charLift, stringLift}
// we will use this parser a bit later
val number = digit.foldLeft1[Int](0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit)
Statement parser
We start by creating a stateful parser:
val p: Parsley[Scope] = State(0, List(), List(Scope(List()))).makeRef { (state: Ref[State]) =>
Then a simple parser for statement, which is stateful. What I tried to do was write it in terms of flatMap, which is more "intuitive", and then use some boilerplate to transform it into applicatives.
val p: Parsley[Scope] = State(0, List(), List(Scope(List()))).makeRef { (state: Ref[State]) =>
val stmt: Parsley[Stmt] = (
many(letter).map(_.mkString).flatMap { str =>
state.update { s => s.copy(lines = s.lines :+ str) }
} <~ '('
sepBy(number, ", ").flatMap { xs => state.gets { s =>
xs.map { (x: Int) => s.lines(x - 1) }
} <~ ')'
Ah hah! There's a type error! In flatMap we are supposed to return a List[Stmt]
, but unfortunately state.gets
returns a Parsley[List[Stmt]]
, and it's the only way we can access a State object directly. I don't know the solution to this, but by using applicative parsers we could make the types work.
p.flatMap { res => state.update(res) }
// equivalent to
state.update { p }
The problem is that state.update returns Parsley[Unit]
, we have to use get
on it to retrieve our results.
// State stuff omitted
val stmt: Parsley[Stmt] = (
many(letter).map(_.mkString).map { str => (s: State) =>
s.copy(lines = s.lines :+ str)
) ~> '(' ~> state.get.map(_.lines.last) // or jusr use .gets
<~> ??? <~ ')' // we also want stuff inside the brackets
).map { res => Stmt(res._1, res._2) }
To formulate what we failed to express last time, we take a look at the signature of gets
def gets[B](pf: Parsley[State => B]): Parsley[B]
It's a bit confusing! Parsley[A]
parses string into A, what does it mean to parse a string into a State => B
Let's focus on what we want first, so we want List[Stmt]
, that's our B
def gets[List[Stmt]](pf: Parsley[State => List[Stmt]]): Parsley[List[Stmt]]
Now, semantics aside, we can get a Parsley[State => List[Stmt]]
with a map
// ... <~>
state.gets {
sepBy(number, ", ").map { ??? }
} <~ ')'
Now, it would be great if we could access a State
in that block...
sepBy(number, ", ").map { xs => (s: State) =>
xs.map { (x: Int) => s.lines(x - 1) }
If you think about it, the return type of the block is State => List[Stmt]
, as required 😄
val stmt: Parsley[Stmt] = (
many(letter).map(_.mkString).map { str => (s: State) =>
s.copy(lines = s.lines :+ str)
) ~> '(' ~> state.gets(_.lines.last)
<~> state.gets {
sepBy(number, ", ").map { xs => (s: State) =>
xs.map { (x: Int) => s.lines(x - 1) }
} <~ ')'
).map { res => Stmt(res._1, res._2) }
Parsing indents
Now we shall parse the scoping.
val scope: Parsley[Scope] = many(
many(' ').map(_.length) <~> stmt <~ '\n'
).map { res => (s: State) =>
)) ~> state.get.map(???)
So a document is many lines of (indent + stmt), we deployed much of the same pattern as in stmt
, so hopefully one would agree that there's not a lot to unpack here.
So given that we know what's the indent of the last line, say i
, the current line could have indent:
- just
, no scope change, we append to current scope
if i == s.level then
sc.head.body = sc.head.body :+ sm
i + 4
, we need to create anotherScope
with the current stmt in it, and append this new scope to the previous scope
else if i == s.level + 4 then
val newScope = Scope(List(sm))
sc.head.body = sc.head.body :+ newScope
s.level += 4
s.scope = newScope :: s.scope
i - 4
, we need to pop current scope and append to the previous scope
else if i == s.level - 4 then
// prev scope
val t = sc.tail
t.head.body = t.head.body :+ sm
s.level -= 4
s.scope = t
OK, now when we reach the end of the document, what should we do?
Given that every previous step works, we should be able to retrieve the root Scope
by getting the deepest item in the stack.
state.get.map { s => s.scope.last }
val scope: Parsley[Scope] = many(
many(' ').map(_.length) <~> stmt <~ '\n'
).map { res => (s: State) =>
val sc = s.scope
val (i, sm) = res
if i == s.level then
sc.head.body = sc.head.body :+ sm
else if i == s.level + 4 then
// new scope
val newScope = Scope(List(sm))
sc.head.body = sc.head.body :+ newScope
s.level += 4
s.scope = newScope :: s.scope
else if i == s.level - 4 then
// prev scope
val t = sc.tail
t.head.body = t.head.body :+ sm
s.level -= 4
s.scope = t
fail() // TODO: better errors
)) ~> state.get.map { s => s.scope.last }
Full parser:
Full code snippet
val p: Parsley[Scope] = State(0, List(), List(Scope(List()))).makeRef { (state: Ref[State]) =>
val stmt: Parsley[Stmt] = (
many(letter).map(_.mkString).map { str => (s: State) =>
s.copy(lines = s.lines :+ str)
) ~> '(' ~> state.gets(_.lines.last)
<~> state.gets {
sepBy(number, ", ").map { xs => (s: State) =>
xs.map { (x: Int) => s.lines(x - 1) }
} <~ ')'
).map { res => Stmt(res._1, res._2) }
val scope: Parsley[Scope] = many(
many(' ').map(_.length) <~> stmt <~ '\n'
).map { res => (s: State) =>
val sc = s.scope
val (i, sm) = res
if i == s.level then
sc.head.body = sc.head.body :+ sm
else if i == s.level + 4 then
// new scope
val newScope = Scope(List(sm))
sc.head.body = sc.head.body :+ newScope
s.level += 4
s.scope = newScope :: s.scope
else if i == s.level - 4 then
// prev scope
val t = sc.tail
t.head.body = t.head.body :+ sm
s.level -= 4
s.scope = t
fail() // TODO: better errors
)) ~> state.get.map { s => s.scope.last }
A sample test
val testStr = """
baz(1, 2)
""".trim() + "\n"
val output = """
baz(boo, bar)
// toString implementation omitted
assert(p.parse(testStr).get.toString() === output)
A question that came to mind is why should I write such a context sensitive parser if it could be implemented, perhaps a bit simpler, with just a for loop? In the official tutorial, it was said that:
For most languages, the grammar is constructed in such a way that it remains context-free. This is, primarily, because context-sensitive grammars are a brutal combination of hard to express and hard to parse efficiently. Indentation-sensitive parsing can be considered an example of a context-sensitive grammar, though, in practice, some compilers like to shunt the work out to the lexer to make the grammar context-free again (this is the case with Python).
AND the tutorial for context-sensitive parsing is still a TODO as of now
Despite that, I think encoding this with parser combinator is still preferable.
- You get unified error messages.
- Simpler and more functional code.
- Because you can with parser combinators?
I hope you find this article useful, especially that you can copy paste the part about indent parsing. The code is far from perfect, it was very imperative, though you could hide it by wrapping the mutations inside the class. I am quite happy for what I was able to achieve as a beginner to the world of parser combinator.
Happy parsing!